Getting Started

Minerva UI is a reusable component library to help build UIs faster. This library aims to be highly composable, easy to use and accessible.


yarn add minerva-ui
npm install --save minerva-ui


First add the <ThemeProvider /> and <GlobalStyles /> to the root of your app:

<GlobalStyles /> is optional but highly recommended. It includes the CSS reset and base styles from Tailwind CSS.

import { ThemeProvider, GlobalStyles } from 'minerva-ui';
const App = () => (
{/* optional but recommended */}
<GlobalStyles />

Then import components you want to use

import { Checkbox } from 'minerva-ui';

And use them:

Optional: Add Icons

By default, Minerva UI includes minimal icons to keep bundle size low.

To add your own icons, you can add them to your theme:

yarn add phosphor-react # you can use most react icon libraries here
import { ThemeProvider, defaultTheme, Icon } from 'minerva-ui';
import { Warning } from 'phosphor-react';
const customTheme = {
icons: {
// declare the key and component in your theme, then you can use the key as name in the <Icon /> component
warning: Warning,
const App = () => (
<Icon name="warning" /> Warning!


Local Development

  1. Clone Repo
  2. Run yarn install
  3. Run yarn lerna bootstrap to link dependencies

If you want to run the documentation locally:

  1. Follow the steps above
  2. Run yarn start in the root directory
  3. Go to the docs directory and run yarn start



Ryan Florence "Reach UI" Guidelines - Great guidelines for making composable / declarative React APIs

Tailwind CSS - Utility-based CSS framework without pre-packaged styles

Chakra UI - Batteries-included React Component library
